Sep 13, 2010


Brilliant, crazy, and platinum. I need this on my head asap.
This is the Cornish Rex and it is just about the most adorable, skinny, big-eared, fangy bundle of wavy haired fluff that I have ever set eyes on. PLUS: they don't shed much. Parfait, non? The black and white is my fav. Downside: They are approx. $300.

Another ridiculous animal that I can't get enough of, their stocky little bodies and pounds of wrinkles are just too cute! Too bad they're more expensive than the Cornish Rex- they run about $1,000. Yikes! I suppose it's a good thing I don't plan on getting an animal until after school.
In the mean time- I miss my puppies at home :( 
Aren't they the best?
I don't remember where I got the web pictures from. Love!

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