Feb 22, 2011

Island 3: FIJI!

Technically, this consists of several islands but let's overlook that tiny little detail. This is somewhere that everyone should see at some point in their life. It is truly paradise. I can't remember the name of the island that we were on but the resort was called Botaira, and it was perfect. There is a breathtaking coral reef directly off of the beach where you can easily float through sans flippers and chill in the middle of large schools of fish above deep blue seastars.  The resort itself has beautiful bungalows for couples and families, although I personally stayed in a dorm style building because our group was so large. There is also kayaks available for use at all times to see more of the island coast. The workers in the resort are amazing and some of the most friendly people ever (except possibly the Irish). The resort has no clock in it so you learn to relax and just enjoy yourself dudring the long days. To announce when they serve meals the would beat a drum and everyone would congregate. They most often served fresh fish that they caught earlier that day but also had several different feast type meals, one where it is cooked traditionally by being burried underground. Here are some pics of the views!

Next: Auckland!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, it looks like total paradise- I could use a little vaca there right now :)
