Sep 4, 2010

Seattle Dreaming

Alright so for my last spring break I took a trip to Seattle to visit my friend, A, who is stationed there. She lives in Tacoma and we went all around the area. Seattle, Forks (ironically of course), La Push (not so ironically- it's bloody beautiful), Mt. Rainier, etc. So as I've been reaearching Auckland a lot lately -trying to study there- I found out that they have a space needle of sorts there and it got me to reminiscing about Seattle. Thus, I thought that I would post some of my fav pics from my trip. It would totally rock to live there at some point.

We commence with La Push.

A and BH- aren't they the cute married couple. I was on their couch for the week that I was there

so either A or BH took this one seeing how I'm the subject but loves it.

On to Forks-

You should have seen the people here it was ridiculous. Absolutely everything referenced Twilight and I guess we were there on the day of a dvd realease? so there were groups of people dressed up like different characters.

Seattle! I totally fell in love with the city. It's like a hipster mecca so i fit right in ha. Got my first tattoo down by the market!


balloon man. I'm so in love with him and all his color

Space needle, obvi. Also a sculpture that looks like it's done by the dude that did all the ones for IU's campus

There is my Washington experience. It is a truly lovely place and I totally suggest that everyone should visit at least once. The west coats is more expensive but it's worth it for sure.  Now for the hoards of reading that I've successfully put off the entire day

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